
狗狗体检 英语

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When a pet owner takes their dog to the vet, it is normal to expect a physical examination. This is an important way for the veterinary staff to assess your dog’s overall health. During the exam, the vet will feel your dog’s belly, listen to its heart and lungs, and look in its ears, eyes, and mouth. In some cases, the vet may *n take x-rays and blood samples.
The first part of a physical exam is typically an assessment of your dog’s body condition score (BCS). The BCS is an indication of how overweight or underweight your dog is. It is evaluated on a scale from 1-9, with 1 being very thin and 9 being obese. Your vet will also check your dog’s skin and coat for any signs of infection, parasites, or other abnormalities.
Next, the vet will use a stethoscope to listen to your dog’s heart and lungs. This will allow them to detect any irregular heart*s, murmurs, or lung issues. The vet may also check your dog’s eyes and ears to make sure they are healthy. This involves looking inside the ear with an otoscope to check for infection or parasites. They will also inspect the eyes for any signs of infection or injury.
The vet will also use palpation to examine your dog’s joints and muscles. This technique makes use of touch to identify any tenderness, swelling, or pain your dog may be experiencing. During the physical exam, the vet will also feel the abdomen area for any abnormalities such as tumors or lumps. Finally, the vet may take some x-ray images or collect blood samples to help diagnose any potential health issues.
A physical exam is an important part of your dog’s annual health check-up. It’s a chance for the vet to assess your dog’s overall health and catch any potential problems early. Make sure to keep up with regular check-ups to ensure your furry friend stays happy and healthy.

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